>I’m back from my trip to Spain! I’ve been there with school and unfortunately only spend two days in Barcelona. It’s a shame I didn’t even visit a Spanish Zara. I especially loved the weather in Spain and it’s so cool the weather in Holland is better now as well. I’m just a sucker with getting a good teint. As a child I spend too few time in the Sun because I hated it and that’s why I developed a Sun allergic. When my skin got too much sun radiation without preperation I got an allergic reaction. Besides my hands got much darker than my arms; which is slightly visible on these photo’s. How have you been doing in the meantime?
I’m going to catch up on your blogs as soon as possible and there are pictures of the trip being posted soon as well here.
I love the pastel colours of this outfit, but I just think that I should have used a bit more few accessoirees; sometimes you need to be loyal to the statement less is more.
Wearing today:
Top: Shoeby
Skirt: Second hand
Leggings: ?
Shoes: LBD ‘from Turkey’
Necklace: Second hand
Earrings: ‘as a gift’
Ring: H&M